Monday, August 14, 2017

You Will Never Regret Being Kind

Hello Monday Friends!

Here is my homework from day four of the Rainbow Maker Online Card Class hosted by Jennifer McGuire, Kristina Werner and Laura Bassen.  Tomorrow I will share my homework from day five.

Day four was all about rainbow water coloring.  I am a total mess at water coloring because I can't let go of my need for control.  Even here I masked off the area where I wanted my water colored rainbow to reside.  I used Gina K. Designs inks to make my stripes.  I love the vibrant colors in her collection.  My technique is fairly simple.  I just smoosh the stamp pad onto my craft mat and then add some water.  A few brush strokes with my "water colors" and I had a rainbow!

Once the rainbow was completely dry, I stamped my sentiment which is from Lil' Inkers Designs.  A few sequins and I called it done!

See you tomorrow.


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